"When Health is Absent, Wisdom cannot reveal itself, Strength cannot fight, Wealth becomes useless and Intelligence cannot be applied." Herophilus

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why Sleep is Important

Not sleeping well?  Over half of Americans over 30 report being plagued with insomnia several times a week.  Insomnia is defined as trouble falling asleep, frequently waking up throughout the night and/or waking up too early and finding it difficult getting back to sleep. 
Did you ever hear that you should watch out for HALT...
When we are out of balance we usually have one or more of  those symptoms.  For me I do not work well being tired... It causes me to be a little grumpy and irritable... It probably brings back unpleasant memories of having Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia which I have been healed from for a long time... (Because Natural Medicine and Prayer works!!! )Since memories live and store in our cells... unless we purge them they can rise up and smack you upside the head when you're not looking.

Just in case you live in denial like most of the world here's some clues as to if you have Insomnia or are Experiencing POOR-QUALITY Sleep:
1. Trouble falling asleep
2. Waking up in the night and have trouble getting back to sleep
3. Frequently dozing off during TV shows or boring meetings
4. Waking up much earlier than you would like
5. Feeling tired during the day
The more you answer YES the more likely you have Insomnia or some Sleep Deprivation Problem
Now people usually think... well I'll catchup on my sleep or it's not that important... HOWEVER it is because Sleep Deprivation can trigger hormonal changes that lead to ...

OVER-Eating and Weight GAIN

OK, it doesn't seem fair... but to be warned is a beautiful gift and there really is a reason for this.  Loss of sleep results in lower levels of Leptin, a hormone that plays a key role in controlling appetite.  There was a study that showed sleep restriction increased  hunger by 24%.  This then triggered a desire for foods that were high calorie, carbohydrate rich foods.  So picture this you're tired, cranky and want to eat a box of something sweet or a loaf of french bread and butter....   Then you gain 5 pounds... Is this a set up to get you to feel bad about yourself?  I just want to take a moment to say that when people overeat it's usually for emotional reasons in addition to being tired.  When you find yourself reaching for carbs... it's usually because you are looking for some COMFORT and when you are reaching for sugar you're really looking for some JOY in your life.  So if you need some Comfort or Joy take a moment and think of ways you can get it...
Some Suggestions:

  • Take a bath in your favorite Essential Oil combo with candles as the only light

  • Hug someone you love

  • Cry and release some of what you're trying to not feel

  • Make a Gratitude List

  • Make Love with your other half... not someone else's

  • Exercise

  • Get some Sun

  • Pray

  • Create Something... (jewelry, a new healthy recipe, a gift)

  • Do something Kind for someone else
Of course these suggestions aren't the whole answer but some of them will help you feel better


  • Stop drinking caffeine by 2pm and keep your caffeine intake to 2-3 cups... NOT HUGE CUPS

  • Avoid Alcohol as it may disrupt your sleep and it can become a BAD habit

  • Exercise will help relax you and help you sleep but do it at least 2 hours before bed...

  • Make your bedroom your SACRED SPACE...keep it quiet and restful... don't watch tv, do work, balance your checkbook or fold your laundry... this is your place to be quiet, rest and heal

  • Use a Supplement like HERBAL SLEEP or Kava Kava  if you need that extra help in falling asleep... I need to add Melatonin to this list because it regulates the daily sleep-wake cycle known as the circadian rhythm....I suggest this for people over 35... not younger... 

  • Pray

  • Spray or defuse relaxing essential oils
Think about having a health consultation if none of these suggestions work drdeborah@townisp.com or 508-757-0453 for any questions

For all of you who have asked about NSP weight loss competition it is now closed... Our group started a week ago and I have lost 3.5 pounds... and plan to win this as I did 2 years ago and kept the weight off...Now here's my 2nd competition but with a group this time....woohoo....5 Fabulous women who are already winners...and all know the importance of SLEEPing to WIN by Losing!!

May God bless you and keep you in that secret place of the most High...
Where you can renew, rejuvenate and heal,