Food and Airborne allergies effect both children and adults. Itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, headaches are signs of airborne irritants.
AL-J is an herb formulated for congestion (stuffy nose, head, throat, lungs) and is excellent for help with hay fever allergies. Since we live in MA and most people have allergies and can we say MOLD... I don’t go anywhere without a homeopathic remedy called
Mold, Yeast & Dust and it counters any symptoms I’m having to smelly, undesirable and harsh MOLD. I put Mold in the same category as smoking tobacco... I don’t want to breathe that in either.
Burping, belching, gas, headaches, feeling uncomfortable after you eat ~like you have a brick in your colon~ are some signs of food allergies. One of the most effective ways to help with food allergies is first not eat food you are allergic to and then take a
Food Enzyme which is a general all purpose enzyme that helps digest what you eat. As we get older our digestion needs more help... Now for the vegetarians I’d suggest
Proactyzme Plus which is a plant based digestive enzyme designed to help in the digestion of all types of food except dairy or red meat. When taken with your meal it will help you digest what you have eaten...HOWEVER When you take it in-between meals on an empty stomach...it helps digest undigested food that's clogging your intestinal system.
Of course cleansing is a wise tool to use to clean toxins out of your body... Just think about how much have you eaten, drank or inhaled that was not healthy? It’s always a good idea to cleanse the body... OK just a little jaunt off to colon land... Bowel movements are important, they rid the body of toxins and stored foods... However one Bowel movement a day or twice a week is NOT GOOD... So if you hear someone say something like... Well everybody is different and if you have a bowel movement twice a week that’s fine... NO that is NOT fine... and whoever says that to you.... RUN away from them and.... to your nearest bottle of
Bowel Detox which is an intestinal cleanser that offers a large array of vitamins, minerals enzymes and herbs which promote intestinal health and provide a source of dietary fiber. It also helps loosen and cleanse old fecal matter from our intestinal walls. It reduces gas and helps prevent intestinal diseases.
Another thing that amazes me is that people give advice about things they know nothing about... and people listen....Sorry I digress... Back on track...
There are lots of cleansers and herbal supplements to choose from... If you want to take a peek at the health of your body systems ... Take a FREE
Health Analysis and see where you stand health wise
Here are some common sense suggestions you can do in addition to supporting your respiratory system naturally during this stressful allergy season. Adding these suggestions may help reduce your allergy symptoms.
• Polyunsaturated vegetable oils
• Margarine, vegetable shortening INCLUDING all partially hydrogenated oils that might contain trans-fatty acids
• Fried foods (including deep-fried foods) processed foods, all pork products and any and all fake sugar.
• Milk and Milk products
✓ Extra Virgin Olive Oil for other oils
✓ Broil, Bake or Grill instead of Frying
✓ Fake meat for pork...ex. Morning Star Bacon...It is delicious!!! (yes, really... I love it... I microwave it and it gets crisp...doesn’t stay crisp forever so heat when you are ready to eat... There are delicious sausage patties, ground spiced and non-spiced versions of sausage... excellent in omelets, soups, quiches, sandwiches (BE CREATIVE)
✓ Soy, Rice, Almond milks for dairy... they all taste a little different... try them until you find the one you like and for a glass of milk... I use Too Foo Moo powder. The secret to using
Too Foo Moo as a drink is to keep it cold...I sometimes put a drop of vanilla in it as an option. I also add a scoop to soups to make them creamy and use cold water and a scoop of Too Foo Moo with fruit and
GreenZone Powder to make excellent tasting and healthy smoothies.
• Animal protein
✓ There are so many soy products on the market it will amaze you... pick one and try it... You too will be a believer... when I get the urge for a hot dog my very favorite is from Quorn ...they taste like a juicy real dog... YUM to fake!
• Eat as much RAW fruits and vegetables as possible.
• Drink 8 glasses of pure water each day
• Take supplements to help with your allergies
• Be aware of what comes out of your mouth (words are containers for power you can create a reality so don’t say critical statements about yourself or anybody else because every cell in your body is listening and will react to your words... So when someone says how are you feeling... don’t go into negative .... Just say “I’m healing” ~ Those words are neutral safe words that will not throw your body down and stop on it... It will hear that you ARE HEALING.
• Be aware of what you put into your mouth
OKAY, you're probably saying...is she kidding!?!?!?!? Well, my answer to that is; “No, I am not kidding.” Because many allergy symptoms are made worse by ingesting foods we are allergic to, it’s wise to cleanse your body of toxins. The good news with that is you will notice the difference in your health and start enjoying your life more when you remove toxins from your body.
Here’s a couple of suggestions to help cleanse your body, help with your allergies and increase your health.
Clean Start is a gentle whole body cleanse which helps support the natural elimination of waste buildup and toxins that can affect your health
All Cell Detox is designed to strengthen and eliminate toxins in the colon, kidneys and liver. It also improves digestion, reduces inflammation, purifies your blood, improves your immune system, reduces and inhibits the development of cysts, polyps, tumors and cancerous growths.
LBSII is an intestinal stimulant which is also referred to as a lower bowel cleansing formula. LBSII relaxes abdominal cramping, enhances liver function, purifies the blood, neutralized acidic conditions, destroys intestinal parasites and fights infection. Stock #990-1
Everybody's Fiber is a gentle fiber source without Psyllium. Formulated to provide nutritional support to the bowel, Everybody's Fiber provides 3 grams of dietary fiber per serving for colon health. It contains the following ingredients: Apple Pectin is a soluble fiber with the ability to form a gel. It has absorbing properties that help move waste through the bowel.
Short-Chain Fructo-oligosaccharides are naturally found in fruits, grains and veggies. The serve
as a source of soluble fiber. Slippery Elm is a soothing, healing herb with gentle cleansing action. (If Psyllium is Ajax- Slippery Elm is soft scrub). Chamomile Flowers helps with antispasmodic problems in the GI tract.
Everybody's Fiber also contains a combination of flax meal, marshmallow, peppermint, fennel and Una de Gato for digestive and intestinal support. Natural peach, apricot & plum flavors are added along with stevia for good tasting!
Tiao He Cleanse - a good start for gentle whole-body cleansing, this is a full body cleanse with 30 packets for a 10 day cleanse
It targets the liver with Liver Balance Chinese
Gives the whole body a cellular cleanse with All Cell Detox
LBSII and Psyllium Hulls clean the colon
Burdock Root purifies the blood...(the same blood that goes thru your colon goes thru your brain...yuk! but true)
Black Walnut hulls removes intestinal parasites