"When Health is Absent, Wisdom cannot reveal itself, Strength cannot fight, Wealth becomes useless and Intelligence cannot be applied." Herophilus

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

First Aid in your Purse/Pocket

Fall is in the air and the smell of winter is hoovering around the corner.   Tei Fu Essential Oil is known as a secret Chinese family special blend of oils which dates back 1,000 years.  This remarkable essential oil (or massage Lotion) can be used all year for all the examples stated below...

However in this Cold, damp wet time of diminishing light I notice how People use Tei Fu much more.  Yes, this oil is an important addition to your herbal first-aid kit. 
Some examples where Tei Fu Oil can be helpful:..:
1. ASTHMA ~relieve an asthma attack by putting a drop of Tei Fu oil on the back of the tongue, close mouth and breath deeply
2. BURNS ~ apply Tei Fu  directly on burn
3. INSECT BITES & REPELLENT ~ Apply Tei fu topically to help with insect bites and THE SMELL will repel bugs before they bite
4. HEADACHE ~ At first sign of apply Tei Fu to temples and brain stem.
5. PAIN ~ Rub into sore muscles to reduce inflammation and ease pain
6. SINUS PROBLEMS ~ Inhale Tei Fu or apply directly on nose to help
7. SORE THROAT ~ Apply Tei Fu to outside of throat using a downward stroke
8. ITCHING ~ Apply directly to stop itching
9. MOTION SICKNESS ~ Inhale till it lessens them gradually goes away
10. STAYING ALERT ~ Put drop on the back of your tongue ... or inhale.. either will help you stay alert.

This is a fabulous do everything oil... Never leave the house without it... 
However if you are sick in bed and trying to get the oil on your chest to open it and help you breath... and you accidently get it in your eye... DO NOT try to flush it out with water... use oil... whether it's massage oil, olive oil or vegetable oil... Water pushes the oil in and makes the problem much worse.  

This is advice for any and all essential oils ... if you get a drop in your eye use oil... This doesn't mean it's dangerous to use essential oils... it would be like shaking pepper on your meal and it backfires and gets in your eye... not a dangerous spice but doesn't belong in your eye....Now the reason I know this is not only because I teach how to use essential oils... but I also shook Tei Fu  on my chest while I was lying down and it went into my eye about 20 years ago... I will never forget it...it was an owie!!!  i grabbed the massage oil and fllushed my eye with it... Pain gone!

Flower Essences for Emotional Support

Distress Remedy is an old favorite designed to Relieve Stress and Tension.  Great for kids and pets too!
Keep Cool will help control Anger, fear and grief.  It calms the temper... Designed for a controlling,   
                     domineering personality...(know anybody who really needs this!?!?)
Find Strength is help for people who suppress their anger.  Helps you stand up for yourself.
Release It helps release grief and let go of past
Open Heart helps those who lack compassion.   
Be Courageous helps make decisions when fear is blocking your.  Helps you move forward
Be Response-ABLE helps you be aware of what you're doing and take charge of life in a responsible way

The rumor is that the Flower Essences will be available around the holidays... 
I say... the sooner the better!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cranky & Irritable??

Are you desperately trying to juggle a career, family and a social time? Is the big foot of life stomping all over you? Most people who live this hectic lifestyle are operating in crisis mode. Are you using energy drinks and caffeine to deal with your constant fatigue? Are you noticing this doesn’t work as well as you had hoped? Research has shown that consuming large amounts of caffeine over an extended period of time can lead to a host of complications.  I drink pure water and when I want that extra boost I use an Isotonix Energy drink with no caffeine only B's, amino acids and herbs... I LOVE IT!... Come and try a sample at our Anti~Aging Clinic...

The Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders says that nervousness, irritability, insomnia, headaches and heart palpitations are a few problems that have been linked to excessive caffeine consumption. In addition the caffeine in soda, tea or coffee dehydrates you.

Here is a list of twelve symptoms of dehydration. Read it and you’ll want to drink a glass of water right now. And then another. And another…

Exhaustion, lack of energy - Dehydration reduces tissue enzymatic activity.

Constipation - Normally the food getting to the intestinal tract contains much water. The intestine walls absorb the water and also absorb the nutrients dissolved in the water to supply the body with the both. The rest of the food that was not absorbed turns into the stool. If you don’t drink water enough the intestine takes too much water from the stool that leads to constipation.

Eating disorders - Chronic dehydration reduces the digestive juices secretion as digestive juiced contain water.

Low or high blood pressure - The blood volume is insufficient to fill all the arteries, veins and capillaries of the body. It results in low pressure or if the body reacts by constricting the arteries than in high pressure.

Gastritis, gastric ulcer - To protect the stomach wall from injury by gastric acid, the stomach is lined with mucous membrane which contains 98% of water. Its structure is deteriorated in the case of dehydration leading to poor protective action.

Problems with the respiratory system - Mucous membranes of respiratory system should be slightly humidified in order to protect the respiratory system from harmful substances contained in the inhaled air.

Improper acid-alkaline balance - Dehydration slows down excretion of water with the unnecessary substances away from the body.

Extra weight and obesity - We often overeat because we need water contained in food.
Thirst is often confused with hunger.

Eczema - Your body requires minimum one liter of water daily to dilute the toxins, skin irritants.

Cholesterol - When the cells are losing water, the body tries to stop this loss by producing more cholesterol.

Cystitis, infections of the urinary canal - If toxins in the urine are not sufficiently diluted with water, they destroy the mucous membrane of urinary channel.

Rheumatism - Because dehydration increases the concentration of toxins in the blood and cellular fluid, the more toxins, the stronger the pain.

Your body is 75% water. If you don’t drink enough water your thirst disappears and some of these symptoms occur… Nausea, Dizziness, Muscle Cramping, Headaches, dry skin, mouth; eyes.
Dr. Gene James

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Cinderella Myth

Once upon a time there was a belief that all good things came to little girls who ate all their veggies, never talked back and listened to their parents. Of course this was before people realized some of those kids’ parents were beating them, abandoning them, emotionally abusing them and worse.  

Most of us have had hard times, felt the sting of a dysfunctional family or lost our way... The good news is we don't have to stay lost... or stay in a swirling vortex of unhealthy choices. You can change your lives ...

BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN LIFE AND CHOICES means stop making excuses and woman up. If you need to get to a different spot in your life try planning. The saying goes if you fail to plan you plan to fail….. So when you are feeling like a truck ran you over or that you look 15 years older than what you should… HELLO… PLAN… By this I mean Look at your life…where you are… where you want to go and figure out how to get there.

I work in the natural health and spiritual realm so that’s the door I am coming out of… so let’s get serious… when a person feels less than or their health is compromised they are apt to make poor choices, like being involved with a phony prince charming, moving in with a roommate from hell or not listening to your gut when it’s telling you something about a person.
When we are vulnerable we make poor choices
So start by getting healthier. This will help you make wiser choices and give you the clarity
to know if you have made a mistake so you can undue it before 20 years goes by.

Don’t just sit there and watch your life go by like a train going at full speed… Take charge…

Let me help simplify a beginning plan for you to improve your health:
1. Stay away from toxic foods like hot dogs, pork, hydrogenated oils, processed foods
2. Drink WATER… I have spoken about this many times… we all need to be hydrated…. Sometimes when you think you are hungry it’s really that you are thirsty but your body interprets it as hunger.
3. Take Quality Supplements… Including a Powerful Vitamin/Mineral Supplement…An Antioxidant and Essential Fatty Acid… TO BEGIN with… When you have specific problems there are natural medicines geared toward healing your “issues”.   Call (508-757-0453) or email me if you want to know where to begin your healing path.
4. Incorporate some raw food at meals everyday… Be creative… Raw food has enzymes and we need enzymes to live healthier

5. Pray

6. Stay connected to positive people

7. Move your body…
8. Run from Toxic Negative People!!!

I want to close with I KNOW that this is easier said than done... HOWEVER ... Changes can and do happen... With that I wish you clarity and strength to begin the walk towards where you are supposed to be.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Trouble Sleeping???

Lack of Sleep = OVER-Eating and Weight GAIN

OK, it doesn't seem fair... but to be warned is a beautiful gift and there really is a reason for this. Loss of sleep results in lower levels of Leptin, a hormone that plays a key role in controlling appetite. There was a study that showed sleep restriction increased hunger by 24%.

This is then triggered a desire for foods that were high calorie, carbohydrate rich foods. So picture this you're tired, cranky and want to eat a box of something sweet or a loaf of french bread and butter.... Then you gain 5 pounds... Is this a set up to get you to feel bad about yourself? I just want to take a moment to say that when people overeat it's usually for emotional reasons in addition to being tired.

When you find yourself reaching for carbs... it's usually because you are looking for some COMFORT and when you are reaching for sugar you're really looking for some JOY in your life. So if you need some Comfort or Joy take a moment and think of ways you can get it...

Some Suggestions:

Take a bath in your favorite Essential Oil combo with candles as the only light

Hug someone you love

Cry and release some of what you're trying to not feel

Make a Gratitude List

Make Love with your other half... not someone else's

Get some Sun


Create Something... (jewelry, a new healthy recipe, a gift)

Do something Kind for someone else

Of course these suggestions aren't the whole answer but some of them will help you feel better


Stop drinking caffeine by 2pm and keep your caffeine intake to 2-3 cups... NOT HUGE CUPS and 2 is better than 3… also teas, sodas and chocolate have caffeine… not to mention some sports drinks

Avoid Alcohol as it may disrupt your sleep and it can become a BAD habit

Exercise will help relax you and help you sleep but do it at least 2 hours before bed...

Make your bedroom your SACRED SPACE...keep it quiet and restful... don't watch tv, do work, balance your checkbook or fold your laundry... this is your place to be quiet, rest and heal

Use Natural Supplements for that extra help in falling asleep...


Spray or defuse relaxing essential oils…
One of the healing tools we offer in a
Comprehensive Consultation is a personalized Essential Oil Blend
drdeborah@townisp.com or 508-757-0453 for any questions

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Trouble Digesting???

Everybody knows about vitamins and even minerals.
Q. So what is the big deal about Enzymes?
A. Just about everything!

Enzymes are the very foundation of ALL of our body functions.
Enzymes are what make things happen, and happen faster.

You can't Breath, Blink or Walk.
Your body cannot break down proteins into essential amino acids
Electrons can't flow and nerve transmissions can't occur.
You wouldn't be able to DIGEST FOOD, smell a flower, see a sunset or taste an apple.
In other words... we can't do anything without enzymes.

The two main ways to get enzymes in your body are supplementation and eating raw food. I believe eating
Raw Foods is important even if you take food enzymes in a supplement form. Enzymes are destroyed at 116 degrees Fahrenheit!!! Take a moment and think ... have you ever
cooked anything below 350 degrees?

"Enzymes are the Key to Life"
Dr. Henry Bieler, M.D., Author of  Digestion: The First Line of Defense Against Disease.

Digestion is also the hardest job the body has. Consider the body needing food to fuel it… not to emotionally soothe it.  To all my LapBander Buddies it can be even more of a trial because side effects of the band can be trouble digesting protein and deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.


1. The common factor in degenerative diseases is inadequate enzymes.

2. Cancer research shows some enzymes are missing in blood and; urine of cancer victims

3. Without food enzymes, viamins would be useless. Food enzymes extract minerals from our food and assist vitamins in performing their designated function in every chemical action of our bodies

4. As people grow older, the level of their enzymes decreases. This results in decreased energy.

5. People who refuse to use more raw food in their diets should take an enzyme supplement with each meal.

"Correct enzyme supplementation is beneficial and food enzymes are necessary for a person's particular needs".
Dr. Humbart Santillo, Author of Food Enzymes: The Missing Link to Radiant Health

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Healthier YOU for 2011

Getting Healthy is a lot more work than you sometimes realize. You have to Eat Healthy, Move your body, Stay away from toxic people, Drink Water, Take Supplements.... Oh and then there's the living your life part... going to work ... dealing with a spouse/partner... Praying...having the food in your home you need to eat those healthy meals with... not to mention the kids, pets, cars, church/groups you belong to... and so much more...

Have you realized that your goal to the healthier you might require some help?
I have a simple solution for you!
It's called a Healthy Pack and will be available for a short time with a huge savings of over 60.00.

The Get Healthy Pack provides a simple program to start on your path towards better health.

One box of CleanStart® cleansing and detoxifying program

One box of Super Trio core nutrition program (Super Supplemental Vitamins & Minerals, Super ORAC and Super Omega-3 EPA) A SUPERB DAILY REGIMEN!

One bottle of Probiotic Eleven—friendly bacteria that help build your digestive and immune systems.

Take advantage of this great healthy jump start for the healthier you and also receive a DVD on cleansing,  In no time at all, you will really feel the difference! More energy and better health!  Contact me if you would like to order this Pack of Miracles. 
drdeborah@townisp.com or 508-757-0453