"When Health is Absent, Wisdom cannot reveal itself, Strength cannot fight, Wealth becomes useless and Intelligence cannot be applied." Herophilus

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Are you Sick and Tired of being SICK & TIRED?

It’s just amazing to me to see how many people put more effort and planning into buying an outfit or a night out than they do their own healing. Now mind you it’s not everyone… I’m talking about the people who make excuses or think that they are fine the way they are.

For examples:

The people who suffer with allergies (they can barely breath) and say it’s only congestion or I always get bronchitis 2x a year or I’ll always feel this way… my mother, sister, aunts all had it and it’s my cross to bear… You cannot understand or believe that healing is really possible. I know personally and professionally that there is effective ways to bump up your healing. You can feel better, live longer and be at peace. Because of that knowing I have a hard time understanding why someone wouldn’t want to feel good instead of mediocre to poor on a daily basis.
Excuses are:
1. A cover-up for REBELLION
I’m not just talking about something I know nothing about… Many years ago I was bedridden and feeling a little jumbled and scared. Especially when doctors told me that I wouldn’t get any better. Fortunately for me I don’t believe just because people think they know the truth that they really do. So I questioned their outcome and prayed. Then I was led on an incredible healing journey that changed my body, my mind and spirit. I learned that there is not one physical ailment that does not stem from an emotional source and complete healing encompasses body and emotions.

By not addressing Emotional Damage you can bring about:

1. Back pain

2. Change in appetite

3. Dry mouth

4. Fatigue

5. Sexual problems

6. Chest pain

7. Constipation or diarrhea

8. Headaches

9. Hi-blood pressure

10. Shortness of breath

11. Dry mouth

12. Insomnia

13. Palpitations

14. Upset stomach

15. Weight gain or loss

16. Lightheadedness

17. Poor immune system

While you’re on a path of healing physically it behooves you to acknowledge your emotions and not go live in Denial. I see Denial as a blue, flowing river with the smell of jasmine and vanilla floating in the air. It is a great place to visit but it can hurt you if you stay there too long. After a while the crocodiles come out and want to feast on your body.

      If you ever asked yourself:
• Why am l exhausted all the time
• Why do I look older than my older friends
• Why do I ache all the time
• Why am I depressed
• Why does my stomach hurt after I eat
• Why do I feel like crying every day
• Why am I so unhappy
• Am I always going to be this way
This probably means you need a little help. Making some changes like eating healthier, sleeping well and taking supplements are a good idea. This would be a good beginning to your feeling better.
HOWEVER, If you think opening a can of veggies to add to your dinner… or sleeping 4 hours a night or sleeping more and getting up 8 times a night or taking drugstore vitamins are healthy … you might want to step back and reconsider those beliefs.

If you want to change your situation you need to practice the P’s


If there is a problem you need a plan to work through it. Then you need to participate in the plan… NOT just think it over and forget about it. Then the harder parts are being Patient with yourself and being Persistent. Prayer puts a miracle growth towards your path and helps you discover peace (yet another P). If you want to take a peek at which one of your body systems needs work click on HEALTH ANALYSIS

My parting words to you are this… Wherever you are in life, IF you are not satisfied, you can change your situation with the 5P’s and REMEMBER God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and of a sound mind.


To schedule an appointment for a Health Consultation or for more information: drdeborah@townisp.com

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