"When Health is Absent, Wisdom cannot reveal itself, Strength cannot fight, Wealth becomes useless and Intelligence cannot be applied." Herophilus

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Woo Hoo, it's another year sliding in.  Are you thinking... that was fast.  Did you make resolutions in 2010 that just didn't make it?  Here's my unsolicitated advice... Don't make snap resolutions without considering what you want to change and then looking at what has to be done to make that change.  When you consider all your options then decide how you want to proceed...Then you have a chance to be successful. 

Making a plan is very important... If you want to be healthier, want to drop 20 pounds or you wish your job/life/spouse was better/happier/fun... keep reading.  Whatever changes you crave you need to map out a plan to begin the walk to be able to stand in peace with your decision and your preparation for getting there....

Here's what I see over and over again... People (especially women) tend to put themselves at the end of the list of importance.  Here's what I tell everybody... God is first YOU are second and third place is a revolving door... and whoever needs it gets it.  People can be self-centered and selfish... and they do not always realize  that you might have needs or responsibilties or health issues ... because it's all about them... SOOOO if you want to win this battle of change... you need to (wait for it)... sharpen up your boundaries.  This means STOP commiting to everything.  STOP saying YES, sure I can help you/do that/drive there/pick that up/lead a group or whatever responsibility is someone else's and not yours... when you really want to say... Really... that would be NO...can't do it... sorry. 
What I see happening to people when their boundaries get sloppy or just evaporate into thin air is their path to take care of themselves slides down the tube.  They forget to take their supplements, drinking water is just too much work, and saying no is too uncomfortable.  When you put people, places and things ahead of you... you will eventually be adversely affected .  Giving when you really don't want to give or when your cup is not only empty but upside down will call in resentment and bitterness which in turn can call in disease.  So here is the saving grace advice for 2011...

This may not sound like a big deal but please believe me... it is!  I would say the reason that over half of my clients call me for an appointment is because they are worn out, beaten down and getting ill if not ill all ready from having no boundaries.  So it's my job to help you help yourself and stand in Strength not weakness.. Health not illness.. Joy not saddness... so:

 Be Blessed
Think BEFORE you Commit
Be mindful of what you put IN your Mouth
Be mindful of what comes OUT of your Mouth
Drink LOTS of pure water
Be Kind to Yourself and others
(saying NO is not unkind it's a healing tool for YOU)
Don't let people take advantage of you
(thinking before you commit will help)
Take time for yourself everyday. Here's some suggestions:
(Give yourself a manicure, pedicure or facial~Take an essential oil bath~read a good book~ take a walk~listen to music~work out~pray~talk to a friend) 

May God bless you and surround you with Peace, Joy, Wisdom and Abundance in 2011.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holiday Season is HERE

Tis the season.  For fun, frolicking, fatigue and fretfulness.  Almost every person that I have spoken to is feeling exhausted and wildly stressed this season.  Here's what I tell them... putting yourself FIRST before the holiday shopping, organizing, decorating and still going to work and overseeing your family is a lot of work... but necessary for your survival of the holidays. 
Here's a few suggestions that might help to keep you sane and happy:
Getting enough sleep. I know this may sound too simple and totally unexciting but it's so important especially during these stressful times... Not to mention that not enough sleep can add to weight GAIN.  Yes, there are other reasons but I am trying to get your attention.
Thinking BEFORE you commit.  How many times have we all committed to doing more than is almost humanly possible.  Let's face facts people will try and get you to help, haul, shlep, cook, pick up kids or host a holiday event and before your brain kicks in to say...ABSOLUTELY NO!, NO! NO! your mouth is saying sure I can do that... So here's a trick I learned a long time ago ... When people ask me to do X, Y or Z, I say I have to check the date... OR tell them I am not sure and I will get back to them.  This gives you time to think... Can I really do this... Do I really have time... Will doing this extra favor for someone push me over the emotional edge?  Then after taking a minute or day or two... You will be able to accept the mission or decline it.
Pray.  Prayer is Centering and Grounding.  When we know His voice we can ask and get the answers.  So I'm suggesting to not only Pray but rely on God to guide, help and carry you through. 
Don't OverSpend!  I know this may be difficult but Presents can be given out any time of the year.  I don't want to sound like a grumpy girl but I do have a hard time with the commercialization of the holiday times.  I believe Christmas is about Christ, Joy, Peace and Love.  And let us not forget family... yes all of them... even those we would like to shove in a closet and lock the door on.  Forgiveness, Gratitude and Love will bring a warmth into our holiday season. 
Keep your Nervous System FED!  This is important because our nervous system is the communicator of our whole body... (if you are new and/or don't know or remember how to feed your nervous system or which supplements to take just email me...Taking supplements and eating healthy is an important part of your daily healing.) 
Think BEFORE you take that bite or eat that pie, candy or cake!  Please don't kill the messenger... All I am saying is be MINDFUL of what you put in your mouth... Being mindful will help you from being regretful.  

Here's my pray for all of us:
Lord, Help us think on things that are good, pure, perfect, lovely, noble and of good report.  Let no corrupt communication proceed out of our mouths or stay in our minds...Thank You for the victory we have today.
Be blessed and Enjoy this Wonderful Season,

Monday, September 13, 2010

Preparation for the Winter Season - Part 1

I know I can't be the only one who doesn't want to hear the word winter or that 4 letter word ... snow.  I shudder just thinking about it ... but I was looking at a schedule of meetings and there it was right in front of my face... Oct., Nov. and December....  It was upsetting... For me I could live in spring, summer or fall all year... winter nope.. not at all.  So as I sat in front of my computer thinking... what do I want to rant about?... Well then it hit me... Preparation for the upcoming times... no, not the end times... just cold, wet, slushy, icy, dark, depressing and way too long winter time!... I do apologize to you few out there who actually like winter... I am now done with my ranting about the dreaded winter coming every year like clockwork... no matter how much I want to jump over onto spring...and start over.

There are a few musts to have in your Herbal Medicine Chest:
Food Enzymes are essential because this time of year means more cooking and less Raw food... and I have written about this endlessly... Raw Food Rocks... Dead Food Kills... However I do live in reality and know that people tend to eat more cooked food in the winter months... which means they need enzymes more than ever to aid in their digestion ...  because enzymes are the Key to Life... and for my Vegetarian and Vegan Friends we have Proactazyme Plus and Catnip and Fennel liquid. (yes really! for more info on this just email me)

Tea Tree Oil is something no home should be without.  It has a cornucopia of uses.  The Australian Medical Journal describes Tea Tree oil as "the finest antiseptic known to man."  You can use it for cuts, bruises, healing after surgery, skin and scalp problems, respiratory ailments, cold sores, yeast and fungal infections, including athlete's foot, ringworm, thrush and Candida Albicans, bladder and vaginal infections or nearly any condition involving infection that stems from a bacterial, fungal or viral origin.

Valerian Root helps with aches, pains from falling, shoveling or stress from clenching when you have to drive on slippery roads.  It also helps with monthly cramping, moodiness and emotional fatigue.  Let's just say that Valerian Root is a girl's best friend.

Garlic - Has been used as medicine for thousands of years and today scientists research has shown that eating garlic on a regular basis can reduce blood pressure, raise immune system, dissolve blood clots, lower harmful cholesterol levels while raising the levels of "good" HDL cholesterol. 
     "Garlic Therapy" was used consistently in the former Soviet Union.  I am not writing about garlic powder or garlic salt I am talking about pure, fresh garlic or a cold pressed Hi Potency Garlic.  When garlic is processed if you cook it over 106 degrees it loses it's medicinal value... so it may taste good but the healing power is dead and GONE.  My favorite way to add garlic to our foods for medicinal value and great taste is chopping up 1-2 cloves for each person eating ... Chop the garlic right before the meal goes on the table then mix in a tsp or so to each person's main meal.  The garlic will add a nice surprise and crunch. 

Ginger is a must for this season... you can drink it or bath in it... Ginger lessens inflammation and helps you get warm so a perfect addition to your Winter Regimen.
Here's my one of my favorite Ginger Bath Recipes:
1 rounded Tablespoon of Ginger
1/2 box baking soda
1 can of Coconut Milk
fill the tub with water and drop in ingredients and mix with your hand or foot like you are drawing the number 8 in the water... Light a candle or have low light...step in and soak for 30 minutes...  and moms think about doing this either at nap time or after kiddies are in bed.  AND PLEASE put the ringer down on all your phones... You will thank me!

Ginger Tip for going out in the COLD
Put a 1/2 tsp (more or less) of ginger in each boot or in your woolen socks... it will help your feet stay warm... This tip can also be used for someone in the hospital or a nursing home... Elderly people are usually cold and this helps... 

There will be more coming on Preparation for the Winter Season... stay tuned, be blessed and enjoy every minute of the non-winter weather.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Allergies & Cleansing

Food and Airborne allergies effect both children and adults. Itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, headaches are signs of airborne irritants. AL-J is an herb formulated for congestion (stuffy nose, head, throat, lungs) and is excellent for help with hay fever allergies. Since we live in MA and most people have allergies and can we say MOLD... I don’t go anywhere without a homeopathic remedy called Mold, Yeast & Dust and it counters any symptoms I’m having to smelly, undesirable and harsh MOLD. I put Mold in the same category as smoking tobacco... I don’t want to breathe that in either.

Burping, belching, gas, headaches, feeling uncomfortable after you eat ~like you have a brick in your colon~ are some signs of food allergies. One of the most effective ways to help with food allergies is first not eat food you are allergic to and then take a Food Enzyme which is a general all purpose enzyme that helps digest what you eat. As we get older our digestion needs more help... Now for the vegetarians I’d suggest Proactyzme Plus which is a plant based digestive enzyme designed to help in the digestion of all types of food except dairy or red meat. When taken with your meal it will help you digest what you have eaten...HOWEVER When you take it in-between meals on an empty stomach...it helps digest undigested food that's clogging your intestinal system.

Of course cleansing is a wise tool to use to clean toxins out of your body... Just think about how much have you eaten, drank or inhaled that was not healthy? It’s always a good idea to cleanse the body... OK just a little jaunt off to colon land... Bowel movements are important, they rid the body of toxins and stored foods... However one Bowel movement a day or twice a week is NOT GOOD... So if you hear someone say something like... Well everybody is different and if you have a bowel movement twice a week that’s fine... NO that is NOT fine... and whoever says that to you.... RUN away from them and.... to your nearest bottle of Bowel Detox which is an intestinal cleanser that offers a large array of vitamins, minerals enzymes and herbs which promote intestinal health and provide a source of dietary fiber. It also helps loosen and cleanse old fecal matter from our intestinal walls. It reduces gas and helps prevent intestinal diseases.

Another thing that amazes me is that people give advice about things they know nothing about... and people listen....Sorry I digress... Back on track...

There are lots of cleansers and herbal supplements to choose from... If you want to take a peek at the health of your body systems ... Take a FREE Health Analysis and see where you stand health wise

Here are some common sense suggestions you can do in addition to supporting your respiratory system naturally during this stressful allergy season. Adding these suggestions may help reduce your allergy symptoms.
• Polyunsaturated vegetable oils
• Margarine, vegetable shortening INCLUDING all partially hydrogenated oils that might contain trans-fatty acids
• Fried foods (including deep-fried foods) processed foods, all pork products and any and all fake sugar.
• Milk and Milk products

✓ Extra Virgin Olive Oil for other oils
✓ Broil, Bake or Grill instead of Frying
✓ Fake meat for pork...ex. Morning Star Bacon...It is delicious!!! (yes, really... I love it... I microwave it and it gets crisp...doesn’t stay crisp forever so heat when you are ready to eat... There are delicious sausage patties, ground spiced and non-spiced versions of sausage... excellent in omelets, soups, quiches, sandwiches (BE CREATIVE)
✓ Soy, Rice, Almond milks for dairy... they all taste a little different... try them until you find the one you like and for a glass of milk... I use Too Foo Moo powder. The secret to using Too Foo Moo as a drink is to keep it cold...I sometimes put a drop of vanilla in it as an option. I also add a scoop to soups to make them creamy and use cold water and a scoop of Too Foo Moo with fruit and GreenZone Powder to make excellent tasting and healthy smoothies.

• Animal protein

✓ There are so many soy products on the market it will amaze you... pick one and try it... You too will be a believer... when I get the urge for a hot dog my very favorite is from Quorn ...they taste like a juicy real dog... YUM to fake!

• Eat as much RAW fruits and vegetables as possible.
• Drink 8 glasses of pure water each day
• Take supplements to help with your allergies
• Be aware of what comes out of your mouth (words are containers for power you can create a reality so don’t say critical statements about yourself or anybody else because every cell in your body is listening and will react to your words... So when someone says how are you feeling... don’t go into negative .... Just say “I’m healing” ~ Those words are neutral safe words that will not throw your body down and stop on it... It will hear that you ARE HEALING.
• Be aware of what you put into your mouth

OKAY, you're probably saying...is she kidding!?!?!?!? Well, my answer to that is; “No, I am not kidding.” Because many allergy symptoms are made worse by ingesting foods we are allergic to, it’s wise to cleanse your body of toxins. The good news with that is you will notice the difference in your health and start enjoying your life more when you remove toxins from your body.

Here’s a couple of suggestions to help cleanse your body, help with your allergies and increase your health.

Clean Start is a gentle whole body cleanse which helps support the natural elimination of waste buildup and toxins that can affect your health

All Cell Detox is designed to strengthen and eliminate toxins in the colon, kidneys and liver. It also improves digestion, reduces inflammation, purifies your blood, improves your immune system, reduces and inhibits the development of cysts, polyps, tumors and cancerous growths.

LBSII is an intestinal stimulant which is also referred to as a lower bowel cleansing formula. LBSII relaxes abdominal cramping, enhances liver function, purifies the blood, neutralized acidic conditions, destroys intestinal parasites and fights infection. Stock #990-1

Everybody's Fiber is a gentle fiber source without Psyllium. Formulated to provide nutritional support to the bowel, Everybody's Fiber provides 3 grams of dietary fiber per serving for colon health. It contains the following ingredients: Apple Pectin is a soluble fiber with the ability to form a gel. It has absorbing properties that help move waste through the bowel.
Short-Chain Fructo-oligosaccharides are naturally found in fruits, grains and veggies. The serve
as a source of soluble fiber. Slippery Elm is a soothing, healing herb with gentle cleansing action. (If Psyllium is Ajax- Slippery Elm is soft scrub). Chamomile Flowers helps with antispasmodic problems in the GI tract.
Everybody's Fiber also contains a combination of flax meal, marshmallow, peppermint, fennel and Una de Gato for digestive and intestinal support. Natural peach, apricot & plum flavors are added along with stevia for good tasting!

Tiao He Cleanse - a good start for gentle whole-body cleansing, this is a full body cleanse with 30 packets for a 10 day cleanse
It targets the liver with Liver Balance Chinese
Gives the whole body a cellular cleanse with All Cell Detox
LBSII and Psyllium Hulls clean the colon
Burdock Root purifies the blood...(the same blood that goes thru your colon goes thru your brain...yuk! but true)
Black Walnut hulls removes intestinal parasites

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Getting your GROOVE Back

Are you desperately trying to juggle a career, family and a social time? Is the big foot of life stomping all over you? Most people who live this hectic lifestyle are operating in crisis mode. Are you using energy drinks and caffeine to deal with your constant fatigue? Are you noticing this doesn’t work as well as you had hoped? Research has shown that consuming large amounts of caffeine over an extended period of time can lead to a host of complications.

The Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders says that nervousness, irritability, insomnia, headaches and heart palpitations are a few problems that have been linked to excessive caffeine consumption. In addition the caffeine in soda, tea or coffee dehydrates you.
Here is a list of twelve symptoms of dehydration. Read it and you’ll want to drink a glass of water right now. And then another. And another…

Exhaustion, lack of energy - Dehydration reduces tissue enzymatic activity.

Constipation - Normally the food getting to the intestinal tract contains much water. The intestine walls absorb the water and also absorb the nutrients dissolved in the water to supply the body with the both. The rest of the food that was not absorbed turns into the stool. If you don’t drink water enough the intestine takes too much water from the stool that leads to constipation.

Eating disorders - Chronic dehydration reduces the digestive juices secretion as digestive juiced contain water.

Low or high blood pressure - The blood volume is insufficient to fill all the arteries, veins and capillaries of the body. It results in low pressure or if the body reacts by constricting the arteries than in high pressure.

Gastritis, gastric ulcer - To protect the stomach wall from injury by gastric acid, the stomach is lined with mucous membrane which contains 98% of water. Its structure is deteriorated in the case of dehydration leading to poor protective action.

Problems with the respiratory system - Mucous membranes of respiratory system should be slightly humidified in order to protect the respiratory system from harmful substances contained in the inhaled air.

Improper acid-alkaline balance - Dehydration slows down excretion of water with the unnecessary substances away from the body.

Extra weight and obesity - We often overeat because we need water contained in food. Thirst is often confused with hunger.

Eczema - Your body requires minimum one liter of water daily to dilute the toxins, skin irritants.

Cholesterol - When the cells are losing water, the body tries to stop this loss by producing more cholesterol.

Cystitis, infections of the urinary canal - If toxins in the urine are not sufficiently diluted with water, they destroy the mucous membrane of urinary channel.

Rheumatism - Because dehydration increases the concentration of toxins in the blood and cellular fluid, the more toxins, the stronger the pain.

The body is 75% water. If you don’t drink enough water your thirst disappears and some of these symptoms occur… Nausea, Dizziness, Muscle Cramping, Headaches, dry skin, mouth & eyes.                Dr. Gene James
Ok, back to helping you with your fatigue… People use Energy Products in forms of… Energy drinks, Energy food bars, Energy pills and a multitude of other short-lived energy fixes line the shelves of grocery and health stores. Most of these products rely on glucose (a type of simple carbohydrate /sugar) to induce a temporary energy “high.” The body loves carbohydrates, as they are the easiest compounds to process for energy. But, relying on additional carbohydrates for energy prevents the body from processing an even better source of energy—FAT. Fat contains more energy than carbohydrates but is more difficult for the body to process. Relying on faddish products for energy can prevent the body from processing fat, and in turn, cause weight gain. (and you know how much we don’t want that!)

I recently was introduced to a new cutting edge technology that uses holographic chips infused with sounds, vibrations and frequencies and are activated by your body’s electromagnetic field when they are placed on the body. The body actually draws out the frequencies that are in the chips. Each chip has over 240-250 formulas.
is where the world is heading
 How does this product work?… Scientists know what kind and how many vibrations are in each living thing….. When that VIBRATIONAL RATE is out of sync… the body has fatigue, discomfort, or pain or disease. They also know that we are bombarded by chemicals we eat smell, breath, by STRESS, poor water, lack of sleep, POOR DIET and Lack of exercise. In addition cordless phones, cell phones all give off EMF rays….computers, microwaves and the electrical wires we live by… can BRING OUR VIBRATIONS OUT OF WACK….
Vibrations, sounds and frequencies are infused on the chips USING LASER TECHNOLOGY…… it helps the body normalize so it can GO BACK in balance.

When chips are used on your body they balance the body’s Vibrational Rate so they bring everything back into balance

The natural meridians in our body get out of balance and cause blockages in the natural energy flow between the vital organs, cells and tissues of the body. The body works to connect these energy flows; however, without help, there is rarely ~ if ever ~ a balance in our body that keeps energy or concentration at the optimum level. When you add CieAura PureEnergy plus Holographic Chips, you will see and feel the body meridians come into balance, relieve blockages, and the energy flows take over.

CieAura PureEnergy plus Chips provide a holistic, healthy alternative to the current energy products by providing instant energy without the added calories. By utilizing acupuncture points, CieAura PureEnergy plus Chips focus the body and increase energy and stamina. The non-invasive, non-transdermal CieAura Chips are 100% natural and unlike current products, do not flood the body with fatty sugars.

CieAura PureEnergy Plus Chips WILL SUSTAIN YOUR ENERGY ALL DAY LONG…( one chip can be used for 3-4 days) and also gives you sharp mental clarity and focus. The chip also helps with ADD AND ADHD… OR ANYONE WHO NEEDS BETTER MENTAL FOCUS …

There will be no high like using caffeine and also NO CRASH!!! Because of sustained focus we have documented proof of 100 kids who have gotten off ridilin or other drugs….by using the energy chip…

The cherry on the hot fudge sundae of using the chips are what I am seeing with my female clients over 50 who have lost their sexual desire… I have testimonies from a lot of women who have said that they are lubricated again… and others saying that their desire is back… One woman said “this energy chip is like a female Viagra” … so I have some happy couples out there… Understand there is no documented proof of this part… (so far)… It’s just what I am seeing happening… and I’m looking forward with expectation to hear from more of you.

For more information about Holographic Chips for Pain Relief, Improved Sleep, Energy and Allergies for you, your family including your kids and pets
Contact me:
 drdeborah@townisp.com or 508-757-0453

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why Sleep is Important

Not sleeping well?  Over half of Americans over 30 report being plagued with insomnia several times a week.  Insomnia is defined as trouble falling asleep, frequently waking up throughout the night and/or waking up too early and finding it difficult getting back to sleep. 
Did you ever hear that you should watch out for HALT...
When we are out of balance we usually have one or more of  those symptoms.  For me I do not work well being tired... It causes me to be a little grumpy and irritable... It probably brings back unpleasant memories of having Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia which I have been healed from for a long time... (Because Natural Medicine and Prayer works!!! )Since memories live and store in our cells... unless we purge them they can rise up and smack you upside the head when you're not looking.

Just in case you live in denial like most of the world here's some clues as to if you have Insomnia or are Experiencing POOR-QUALITY Sleep:
1. Trouble falling asleep
2. Waking up in the night and have trouble getting back to sleep
3. Frequently dozing off during TV shows or boring meetings
4. Waking up much earlier than you would like
5. Feeling tired during the day
The more you answer YES the more likely you have Insomnia or some Sleep Deprivation Problem
Now people usually think... well I'll catchup on my sleep or it's not that important... HOWEVER it is because Sleep Deprivation can trigger hormonal changes that lead to ...

OVER-Eating and Weight GAIN

OK, it doesn't seem fair... but to be warned is a beautiful gift and there really is a reason for this.  Loss of sleep results in lower levels of Leptin, a hormone that plays a key role in controlling appetite.  There was a study that showed sleep restriction increased  hunger by 24%.  This then triggered a desire for foods that were high calorie, carbohydrate rich foods.  So picture this you're tired, cranky and want to eat a box of something sweet or a loaf of french bread and butter....   Then you gain 5 pounds... Is this a set up to get you to feel bad about yourself?  I just want to take a moment to say that when people overeat it's usually for emotional reasons in addition to being tired.  When you find yourself reaching for carbs... it's usually because you are looking for some COMFORT and when you are reaching for sugar you're really looking for some JOY in your life.  So if you need some Comfort or Joy take a moment and think of ways you can get it...
Some Suggestions:

  • Take a bath in your favorite Essential Oil combo with candles as the only light

  • Hug someone you love

  • Cry and release some of what you're trying to not feel

  • Make a Gratitude List

  • Make Love with your other half... not someone else's

  • Exercise

  • Get some Sun

  • Pray

  • Create Something... (jewelry, a new healthy recipe, a gift)

  • Do something Kind for someone else
Of course these suggestions aren't the whole answer but some of them will help you feel better


  • Stop drinking caffeine by 2pm and keep your caffeine intake to 2-3 cups... NOT HUGE CUPS

  • Avoid Alcohol as it may disrupt your sleep and it can become a BAD habit

  • Exercise will help relax you and help you sleep but do it at least 2 hours before bed...

  • Make your bedroom your SACRED SPACE...keep it quiet and restful... don't watch tv, do work, balance your checkbook or fold your laundry... this is your place to be quiet, rest and heal

  • Use a Supplement like HERBAL SLEEP or Kava Kava  if you need that extra help in falling asleep... I need to add Melatonin to this list because it regulates the daily sleep-wake cycle known as the circadian rhythm....I suggest this for people over 35... not younger... 

  • Pray

  • Spray or defuse relaxing essential oils
Think about having a health consultation if none of these suggestions work drdeborah@townisp.com or 508-757-0453 for any questions

For all of you who have asked about NSP weight loss competition it is now closed... Our group started a week ago and I have lost 3.5 pounds... and plan to win this as I did 2 years ago and kept the weight off...Now here's my 2nd competition but with a group this time....woohoo....5 Fabulous women who are already winners...and all know the importance of SLEEPing to WIN by Losing!!

May God bless you and keep you in that secret place of the most High...
Where you can renew, rejuvenate and heal,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

All about Kids ~ Lies & Truths

There are several books out there on how to get more nutrition and vegetables into their kids by using a little deception and planning for mealtime.  The plan is all about adding pureed veggies to well... everything... like..casseroles, brownies and pasta sauce to name a few.

Well, in theory it's a wonderful concept. HOWEVER they are all talking about adding cooked food to their meals to be possibly cooked even more.  I just can't see how this will be more nutritious because... "Cooked Food=Dead Food".      This whole idea of helping our children become healthier by using foods is such an important one but using dead food to create that is just not gonna happen!  So I thought I would give you an  idea and show you that with a little tweaking how this concept can be just PERFECT!! 

Green Slimey Sauce with Pasta (remember it's named for kiddies)
2-3 Avocados
Juice from 1/2 lemon
1 cup baby Spinach
2-3 leeks
2 garlic cloves
2 Tomatoes
Olive Oil for sauteeing
Salt and Pepper (optional)
Pasta (I LOVE Trader Joe's Alphabet Pasta, they are large, hold up well kids & adults are amused by them)

*Cut Leeks in strips and place in cool water to clean or in strainer to rinse.  (they can hold a lot of dirt) Cut white to light green and chop ... then sautee in Olive Oil in large skillet
*Cook pasta.
*Chop Tomato into tiny pieces...set aside
*Squeeze lemon in food processor
*Add all ingredients in Food Processor (except Tomatoes) and blend to sauce  
*Add the blended food to sauteed Leeks
*Put Drained HOT Pasta in large bowl ADD Leek/ veggie mixture and chopped Tomatoes

Serving size would be 1/2-1 avocado per person... the bigger (adult) the person the more avocado
VARIATION: You can add spanish olives to the completed pasta dish and call them green eyeballs...

You can serve this dish with my favorite salad:
cucumber, tomato and chickpeas... with your favorite salad

Please let me know if you make this and what you think of it...

For those of you who don't know about our Sunshine Heroes Line of Supplements for children you can see a copy of a managers magazine all about our new children's line..."Sunshine Heroes" click on this link and go to the September issue   http://www.naturessunshine.com/us/members/myaccount/magazine.aspx

For those of you who want to get a little more creative in the kitchen and would like to be invited to my Annual Pampered Chef Online Party just let me know drdeborah@townisp.com ... I LOVE kitchenware and gadgets and Pampered Chef has more than you can ever dream of...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Are you Sick and Tired of being SICK & TIRED?

It’s just amazing to me to see how many people put more effort and planning into buying an outfit or a night out than they do their own healing. Now mind you it’s not everyone… I’m talking about the people who make excuses or think that they are fine the way they are.

For examples:

The people who suffer with allergies (they can barely breath) and say it’s only congestion or I always get bronchitis 2x a year or I’ll always feel this way… my mother, sister, aunts all had it and it’s my cross to bear… You cannot understand or believe that healing is really possible. I know personally and professionally that there is effective ways to bump up your healing. You can feel better, live longer and be at peace. Because of that knowing I have a hard time understanding why someone wouldn’t want to feel good instead of mediocre to poor on a daily basis.
Excuses are:
1. A cover-up for REBELLION
I’m not just talking about something I know nothing about… Many years ago I was bedridden and feeling a little jumbled and scared. Especially when doctors told me that I wouldn’t get any better. Fortunately for me I don’t believe just because people think they know the truth that they really do. So I questioned their outcome and prayed. Then I was led on an incredible healing journey that changed my body, my mind and spirit. I learned that there is not one physical ailment that does not stem from an emotional source and complete healing encompasses body and emotions.

By not addressing Emotional Damage you can bring about:

1. Back pain

2. Change in appetite

3. Dry mouth

4. Fatigue

5. Sexual problems

6. Chest pain

7. Constipation or diarrhea

8. Headaches

9. Hi-blood pressure

10. Shortness of breath

11. Dry mouth

12. Insomnia

13. Palpitations

14. Upset stomach

15. Weight gain or loss

16. Lightheadedness

17. Poor immune system

While you’re on a path of healing physically it behooves you to acknowledge your emotions and not go live in Denial. I see Denial as a blue, flowing river with the smell of jasmine and vanilla floating in the air. It is a great place to visit but it can hurt you if you stay there too long. After a while the crocodiles come out and want to feast on your body.

      If you ever asked yourself:
• Why am l exhausted all the time
• Why do I look older than my older friends
• Why do I ache all the time
• Why am I depressed
• Why does my stomach hurt after I eat
• Why do I feel like crying every day
• Why am I so unhappy
• Am I always going to be this way
This probably means you need a little help. Making some changes like eating healthier, sleeping well and taking supplements are a good idea. This would be a good beginning to your feeling better.
HOWEVER, If you think opening a can of veggies to add to your dinner… or sleeping 4 hours a night or sleeping more and getting up 8 times a night or taking drugstore vitamins are healthy … you might want to step back and reconsider those beliefs.

If you want to change your situation you need to practice the P’s


If there is a problem you need a plan to work through it. Then you need to participate in the plan… NOT just think it over and forget about it. Then the harder parts are being Patient with yourself and being Persistent. Prayer puts a miracle growth towards your path and helps you discover peace (yet another P). If you want to take a peek at which one of your body systems needs work click on HEALTH ANALYSIS

My parting words to you are this… Wherever you are in life, IF you are not satisfied, you can change your situation with the 5P’s and REMEMBER God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and of a sound mind.


To schedule an appointment for a Health Consultation or for more information: drdeborah@townisp.com

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Heart Day

When I think of Valentine's day I think of hearts....  Happy Hearts, Healing Hearts, Broken Hearts, Loving Hearts, Full Hearts, Emotional Atrophied Hearts, Hidden Hearts.  Ok, remember I help people heal their body and emotions.  However by the time some people find me many of their hearts have been bruised, battered and broken.  So I may not have the same spin as say someone who was just engaged and in a happy space. 
The good news is that if you fall into the unhappy or broken heart group... Healing is possible.  This usually takes time and commitement but the results are worth it.  Because healing vs pain... there's no contest... I  vote for healing everytime.
Often people are in pain because of words... Words other people have spoken to you and words you speak about and to yourself...
Words are like WEAPONS ... They wound sometimes ... Cher
I've mentioned in another blog about curses... and speaking unkindly about yourself or LETTING SOMEONE ELSE speak unkindly of you opens the spiritual door for all sorts of nasty things.
So be mindful of what you say.... and what people are saying to you and about you. 

He who guards his mouth keeps his life, but he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.                             Proverbs 13:3-Amplified Bible
When mean words are spoken it is like murdering a person's spirit... It may not kill the person right away but it chips away till they are emotionally vulnerable.... and that my friends is not a good place to be ... I promised myself I would keep this light and fluffy.... so I will move to some tips on how we can heal a heart that's been broken. 

  1. Be kind to yourself

  2. PRAY

  3. Move your body - get those endorphins moving

  4. Be mindful of what you put in your mouth... Yes, Really this is a part of your emotional healing

  5. *Heal your nervous system using supplements and essential oils

  6. PRAY

  7. Be around people who love you unconditionally (or at least close)

  8. Rest
* If your nervous system is not working the way it should .... Unless you have a Holy Ghost Healing ...YOU need Gamma Linolenic Acid and B vitamins to Heal on a Physical Level.... Which will help in the emotional healing part also.  I usually use NutriCalm   and  Super GLA 
for my clients.... and since I like feeling balanced I take them too.

If you haven't tried essential oils... I'm not talking the kind in the drugstore that smells pretty but has virtually no medicinal value... I mean pure essential oils...What dreams are made of...
There are so many oils that are fabulous but since I am keeping this simple and fluffy... OK i wouldn't know fluffy if I fell over it... but one can believe...
Bergamot is a lovely citrus smelling oil... It can be used for aches and pains, lung problems and removing grief and sorrow.  Since on a supernatural level grief and sorrow store in the lungs mixing Bergamot with Massage Oil and put it over your chest and/or back it will help soothe & relax you. 
Another way to use essential oils are putting them on the bottom of your feet.  Within about 20 minutes the oils will flow through your body and you should taste it. 
You can also put some in a warm/hot bath and soak...This is also under the RESTING part.  You can even bump it up a notch like Emeril does with food... and put on some nice easy listening soft music and soak by candlelight.    You can also add a can of coconut milk with the Bergamot Essential Oil for a creamy "I'm a Queen Soak".  A lovely gift for yourself on Valentines Day.  But whatever you choose to do... Whether you are with a partner, a group of friends or alone.... Do it with LOVE... 
Happy Heart Day!
...Check out my Valentines Day Special for you...