"When Health is Absent, Wisdom cannot reveal itself, Strength cannot fight, Wealth becomes useless and Intelligence cannot be applied." Herophilus

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holiday Season is HERE

Tis the season.  For fun, frolicking, fatigue and fretfulness.  Almost every person that I have spoken to is feeling exhausted and wildly stressed this season.  Here's what I tell them... putting yourself FIRST before the holiday shopping, organizing, decorating and still going to work and overseeing your family is a lot of work... but necessary for your survival of the holidays. 
Here's a few suggestions that might help to keep you sane and happy:
Getting enough sleep. I know this may sound too simple and totally unexciting but it's so important especially during these stressful times... Not to mention that not enough sleep can add to weight GAIN.  Yes, there are other reasons but I am trying to get your attention.
Thinking BEFORE you commit.  How many times have we all committed to doing more than is almost humanly possible.  Let's face facts people will try and get you to help, haul, shlep, cook, pick up kids or host a holiday event and before your brain kicks in to say...ABSOLUTELY NO!, NO! NO! your mouth is saying sure I can do that... So here's a trick I learned a long time ago ... When people ask me to do X, Y or Z, I say I have to check the date... OR tell them I am not sure and I will get back to them.  This gives you time to think... Can I really do this... Do I really have time... Will doing this extra favor for someone push me over the emotional edge?  Then after taking a minute or day or two... You will be able to accept the mission or decline it.
Pray.  Prayer is Centering and Grounding.  When we know His voice we can ask and get the answers.  So I'm suggesting to not only Pray but rely on God to guide, help and carry you through. 
Don't OverSpend!  I know this may be difficult but Presents can be given out any time of the year.  I don't want to sound like a grumpy girl but I do have a hard time with the commercialization of the holiday times.  I believe Christmas is about Christ, Joy, Peace and Love.  And let us not forget family... yes all of them... even those we would like to shove in a closet and lock the door on.  Forgiveness, Gratitude and Love will bring a warmth into our holiday season. 
Keep your Nervous System FED!  This is important because our nervous system is the communicator of our whole body... (if you are new and/or don't know or remember how to feed your nervous system or which supplements to take just email me...Taking supplements and eating healthy is an important part of your daily healing.) 
Think BEFORE you take that bite or eat that pie, candy or cake!  Please don't kill the messenger... All I am saying is be MINDFUL of what you put in your mouth... Being mindful will help you from being regretful.  

Here's my pray for all of us:
Lord, Help us think on things that are good, pure, perfect, lovely, noble and of good report.  Let no corrupt communication proceed out of our mouths or stay in our minds...Thank You for the victory we have today.
Be blessed and Enjoy this Wonderful Season,

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