"When Health is Absent, Wisdom cannot reveal itself, Strength cannot fight, Wealth becomes useless and Intelligence cannot be applied." Herophilus

Monday, September 13, 2010

Preparation for the Winter Season - Part 1

I know I can't be the only one who doesn't want to hear the word winter or that 4 letter word ... snow.  I shudder just thinking about it ... but I was looking at a schedule of meetings and there it was right in front of my face... Oct., Nov. and December....  It was upsetting... For me I could live in spring, summer or fall all year... winter nope.. not at all.  So as I sat in front of my computer thinking... what do I want to rant about?... Well then it hit me... Preparation for the upcoming times... no, not the end times... just cold, wet, slushy, icy, dark, depressing and way too long winter time!... I do apologize to you few out there who actually like winter... I am now done with my ranting about the dreaded winter coming every year like clockwork... no matter how much I want to jump over onto spring...and start over.

There are a few musts to have in your Herbal Medicine Chest:
Food Enzymes are essential because this time of year means more cooking and less Raw food... and I have written about this endlessly... Raw Food Rocks... Dead Food Kills... However I do live in reality and know that people tend to eat more cooked food in the winter months... which means they need enzymes more than ever to aid in their digestion ...  because enzymes are the Key to Life... and for my Vegetarian and Vegan Friends we have Proactazyme Plus and Catnip and Fennel liquid. (yes really! for more info on this just email me)

Tea Tree Oil is something no home should be without.  It has a cornucopia of uses.  The Australian Medical Journal describes Tea Tree oil as "the finest antiseptic known to man."  You can use it for cuts, bruises, healing after surgery, skin and scalp problems, respiratory ailments, cold sores, yeast and fungal infections, including athlete's foot, ringworm, thrush and Candida Albicans, bladder and vaginal infections or nearly any condition involving infection that stems from a bacterial, fungal or viral origin.

Valerian Root helps with aches, pains from falling, shoveling or stress from clenching when you have to drive on slippery roads.  It also helps with monthly cramping, moodiness and emotional fatigue.  Let's just say that Valerian Root is a girl's best friend.

Garlic - Has been used as medicine for thousands of years and today scientists research has shown that eating garlic on a regular basis can reduce blood pressure, raise immune system, dissolve blood clots, lower harmful cholesterol levels while raising the levels of "good" HDL cholesterol. 
     "Garlic Therapy" was used consistently in the former Soviet Union.  I am not writing about garlic powder or garlic salt I am talking about pure, fresh garlic or a cold pressed Hi Potency Garlic.  When garlic is processed if you cook it over 106 degrees it loses it's medicinal value... so it may taste good but the healing power is dead and GONE.  My favorite way to add garlic to our foods for medicinal value and great taste is chopping up 1-2 cloves for each person eating ... Chop the garlic right before the meal goes on the table then mix in a tsp or so to each person's main meal.  The garlic will add a nice surprise and crunch. 

Ginger is a must for this season... you can drink it or bath in it... Ginger lessens inflammation and helps you get warm so a perfect addition to your Winter Regimen.
Here's my one of my favorite Ginger Bath Recipes:
1 rounded Tablespoon of Ginger
1/2 box baking soda
1 can of Coconut Milk
fill the tub with water and drop in ingredients and mix with your hand or foot like you are drawing the number 8 in the water... Light a candle or have low light...step in and soak for 30 minutes...  and moms think about doing this either at nap time or after kiddies are in bed.  AND PLEASE put the ringer down on all your phones... You will thank me!

Ginger Tip for going out in the COLD
Put a 1/2 tsp (more or less) of ginger in each boot or in your woolen socks... it will help your feet stay warm... This tip can also be used for someone in the hospital or a nursing home... Elderly people are usually cold and this helps... 

There will be more coming on Preparation for the Winter Season... stay tuned, be blessed and enjoy every minute of the non-winter weather.

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