"When Health is Absent, Wisdom cannot reveal itself, Strength cannot fight, Wealth becomes useless and Intelligence cannot be applied." Herophilus

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Cinderella Myth

Once upon a time there was a belief that all good things came to little girls who ate all their veggies, never talked back and listened to their parents. Of course this was before people realized some of those kids’ parents were beating them, abandoning them, emotionally abusing them and worse.  

Most of us have had hard times, felt the sting of a dysfunctional family or lost our way... The good news is we don't have to stay lost... or stay in a swirling vortex of unhealthy choices. You can change your lives ...

BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN LIFE AND CHOICES means stop making excuses and woman up. If you need to get to a different spot in your life try planning. The saying goes if you fail to plan you plan to fail….. So when you are feeling like a truck ran you over or that you look 15 years older than what you should… HELLO… PLAN… By this I mean Look at your life…where you are… where you want to go and figure out how to get there.

I work in the natural health and spiritual realm so that’s the door I am coming out of… so let’s get serious… when a person feels less than or their health is compromised they are apt to make poor choices, like being involved with a phony prince charming, moving in with a roommate from hell or not listening to your gut when it’s telling you something about a person.
When we are vulnerable we make poor choices
So start by getting healthier. This will help you make wiser choices and give you the clarity
to know if you have made a mistake so you can undue it before 20 years goes by.

Don’t just sit there and watch your life go by like a train going at full speed… Take charge…

Let me help simplify a beginning plan for you to improve your health:
1. Stay away from toxic foods like hot dogs, pork, hydrogenated oils, processed foods
2. Drink WATER… I have spoken about this many times… we all need to be hydrated…. Sometimes when you think you are hungry it’s really that you are thirsty but your body interprets it as hunger.
3. Take Quality Supplements… Including a Powerful Vitamin/Mineral Supplement…An Antioxidant and Essential Fatty Acid… TO BEGIN with… When you have specific problems there are natural medicines geared toward healing your “issues”.   Call (508-757-0453) or email me if you want to know where to begin your healing path.
4. Incorporate some raw food at meals everyday… Be creative… Raw food has enzymes and we need enzymes to live healthier

5. Pray

6. Stay connected to positive people

7. Move your body…
8. Run from Toxic Negative People!!!

I want to close with I KNOW that this is easier said than done... HOWEVER ... Changes can and do happen... With that I wish you clarity and strength to begin the walk towards where you are supposed to be.

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